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DescriptorMatcher in OpenCV3 for Android

Dear all, I am a newbie for developing with OpenCV and computer Vision, this is a first project i developed with OPENCV on Mobile - Android - used Android Studio.

I can use many functions of OpenCV Library, but when I call DescriptoerMatcher in Java file, I miss errors, details code:

//detect the key points detector.detect(inputMat1,keypoints1); detector.detect(inputMat2,keypoints2);

//detect decriptor Mat descriptors1 = new Mat(); Mat descriptors2 = new Mat(); descriptorExtractor.compute(inputMat1,keypoints1,descriptors1); descriptorExtractor.compute(inputMat2,keypoints2,descriptors2);

processedMat1 = new Mat(); processedMat2 = new Mat();

Imgproc.cvtColor(inputMat1,processedMat1,Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2RGB); Imgproc.cvtColor(inputMat2,processedMat2, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2RGB);

Features2d.drawKeypoints(processedMat1,keypoints1,processedMat1,new Scalar(255,255,0),4); Features2d.drawKeypoints(processedMat2,keypoints2,processedMat2,new Scalar(255,255,0),4);

DescriptorMatcher descriptorMatcher = DescriptorMatcher.create(DescriptorMatcher.BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING);

But the error is line create DescriptoerMatcher.

Detailed of error: JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: use of invalid jobject 0x4 from long org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher.create_0(int)

I trying research but now, I haven't found a issue and how to implement error.

Hope received of any people. Thanks so much.