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problem with compatreHist function need help

Dear OpenCV Community,

I had tried to work with compareHist built-in function using CV_64F to compare a personalized MatND variables as follow

MatND matTest(Size(1,8), CV_64F, Scalar(0));
  for(int i= 0; i < 8 ;i++){<double>(i,0) = exp(i);
cout <<compareHist( matTest, matTest,3)<<endl;

I got this

  OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (H1.type() == H2.type() && H1.type() == CV_32F) in cv::compareHist, file C:\buildslave64\win64_amdocl\2_4_PackSlave-win64-vc11-shared\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\histogram.cpp, line 1985

however, CV_32F changes my the results the exponential function exp(); that s why I'm using CV_64F

I need to fix this issue, glad for help