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linked list iterate within main for loop impacts face processing

I'm using the following facerecognizer example.

Within the for loop in the main() function, i am iterating a linked list to search for intersecting rectangles. This seems to be having an impact in that it cant handle more then 2 faces.

What alternative is there? Should i use a vector? threads?


linked list iterate within main for loop impacts face processing

Hi everyone. I'm using the following facerecognizer example.

Within the for loop in the main() function, i am iterating a linked list to search for intersecting rectangles. This seems to be having an impact in that it cant handle more then 2 faces.

What alternative is there? Should i use a vector? threads?


linked list iterate within main for loop impacts face processing

Hi everyone. I'm using the following facerecognizer example.

Within the for loop in the main() function, i am iterating a linked list to search for intersecting rectangles. This seems to be having an impact in that it cant handle more then 2 faces.

What alternative is there? Should i use a vector? threads?


update: This is the part i put in the for loop. The area() command seems to be the culprit.

while(tmp) { 
bool intersects=((a&tmp->b).area()>0);  
if(intersects) cout << "intersected" << endl;
else cout << "not intersected" << endl;
