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OpenCV C verses Python difference

Hello, I am a Objective-C developer and recently, I have a need of using OpenCV for Facial Recognition (not just detection). I had to switch to Ubuntu Linux, a environment which I am not so familiar with and I am very new to OpenCV. I saw that there is a class called faceRecognizer which can recognize faces right? Since I have not officially learned C++ or Python before, I have two different languages in front of me that I need to choose. My questions are:

1) Is the faceRecognizer class only for C++ or is it available with Python or even Java?

2) If only given 1 week of learning time, would learning C++ or Python be more fast to get to the facial recognition stage of my project (my project is just to recognise faces of a certain person). I have programmed in Objective-C, Actionscript, Processing before and I really need recommendations from you all who have had more experience than I do?

3) What IDE would you all recommend to develop for C++ or Java?

4) Can I write my code in Windows first then import it to Ubuntu Linux?

Thank you all! I have spent more that 24 hours of researching and can't come up with any idea how this works! -- Max