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Comparing two images

I'm just getting started with OpenCV and I want to compare two similar images. I am trying to get a percentage back indicating the similarity. I am using sobel to filter out vertical and horizontal lines and then i want to compare just my horizontal lines in the image to see what is different. I am using python and opencv3.0.

Comparing two images

image description image description

I'm just getting started with OpenCV and I want to compare two similar images. I am trying to get a percentage back indicating the their similarity. I am using sobel to filter out vertical and the horizontal lines and then i want to compare just my horizontal the vertical lines in the image to see what is different. image. I am using python and opencv3.0.

click to hide/show revision 3

updated 2016-11-28 12:31:30 -0600

berak gravatar image

Comparing two images

image description image description

I'm just getting started with OpenCV and I want to compare two similar images. I am trying to get a percentage back indicating their similarity. I am using sobel to filter out the horizontal lines and then i want to compare just the vertical lines in the image. I am using python and opencv3.0.