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OpenCV gpu::dft distorted image after inverse transform

I'm working on GPU implementation of frequency filtering of an image. My code works great on CPU (I used something like this) but I have spent whole day trying to make the same work on GPU - without success. I want to apply a filter in the frequency domain hence I need the full (complex) result of the forward transform. I have read that I need to pass two complex matrices (src and dst) to forward dft to obtain full spectrum (32FC2). However, I fail to obtain the same image after inverse transform (the returned image is very distorted).

My code (with the closest result):

gpu.img1 = gpu::GpuMat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CV_32FC2);
gpu.img2 = gpu::GpuMat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CV_32FC2);
gpu.img4 = gpu::GpuMat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CV_32FC1);
gpu.img5 = gpu::GpuMat(imgHeight, imgWidth, CV_8UC1);

Mat planes[] = {imageIn, Mat::zeros(imageIn.size(), CV_32FC1)};
merge(planes, 2, imageIn);

gpu::Stream stream; 

gpu::dft(gpu.img1, gpu.img2, gpu.img1.size(), 0, stream);
gpu::dft(gpu.img2, gpu.img4, gpu.img1.size(), DFT_INVERSE | DFT_REAL_OUTPUT | DFT_SCALE, stream);
stream.enqueueConvert(gpu.img4, gpu.img5, CV_8U);

namedWindow("processed",1); imshow("processed", imageOut); waitKey(1000);

Your help and suggestions are much appreciated.