I am trying to access elements in a sparseMat using value and the iterator.. The elements are of the type Vec5f, which has been declared. typedef Vec<float, 5=""> Vec5f;
The iterator is declared with cv::SparseMatConstIterator_<float> it = sparseLoc.begin<float>(); cv::SparseMatConstIterator_<float> it_end = sparseLoc.end<float>();
The IDE (Eclipse) doesn't allow using type <vec5f> for this.
The loop is for(; it != it_end; ++it) { float Iter = it; const SparseMat::Node itNode = it.node(); Spot = it.value<vec5f>(); Intens = Spot[I]; Vert = Spot[V]; Horiz = Spot[H]; DeltaH = Spot[DH]; DeltaI = Spot[DI]; itTestFile << Iter << ", " << Intens << ", " << Vert << ", " << Horiz<< ", " << DeltaH << ", " << DeltaI << endl;
(If you are trying to figure out its purpose, I am trying to see how the iterator and the x,y access compare.) I get the exception
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (_m->type() == DataType<_Tp>::type) in SparseMatConstIterator_, file /usr/local/include/opencv2/core/mat.inl.hpp, line 2888 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /usr/local/include/opencv2/core/mat.inl.hpp:2888: error: (-215) _m->type() == DataType<_Tp>::type in function SparseMatConstIterator
It doesn't show the calling line number. i tried changing the Vec5f in the it.value statement and I get the same exception. So, I assume it is thrown by the SparseMatConstInterator_ declaration.
Any hints on how to fix this?
Thanks Ralph