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Wrong matrix from getAffineTransform

I need to use Affine Transformation algorithm in order to find a matrix (that describes the Af.Tr. between two images which I took 3 matching points from) and afterwards multiply it for some coordinates (that represent some points in the first frame) in order to find the respective points in the second. I'm trying to experiment the OpenCV function getAffineTransform with 3 points that stay still. this is my code:

Point2f terp1[]={Point2f(1,1),Point2f(30,1),Point2f(30,30)};    
Point2f terp2[]={Point2f(1,1),Point2f(30,1),Point2f(30,30)};

 Mat A_m( 2, 3, CV_32FC1 );
   A_m = getAffineTransform(terp1,terp2);


I expect the matrix to be: 1 0 0 / 0 1 0 .....but i recive (from PrintMatrix function) huge numbers that don't make sense as 2346027296 32673544 32900240 // 2346027296 32673544 32900240
