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Opencv contrib modules on VS15


I have been trying to build the opencv_contrib module for OpenCV 3.1 on Visual Studio 15. These are the steps I've done so far:

1) Downloaded the OpenCV 3.1 self extracting binaries

2) Cloned the opencv_contrib repo

3) Opened Cmake using VS dev-cmd and generated the build

4) Opened the created OpenCV.sln project in VS

5) Built the release and debug versions of the ALL_BUILD and INSTALL project files

Now my problem arises when I try to use any of the opencv_contrib functions. When I build my own project solution the VS15 compiler complains that I am trying to use x86 code within a x64 program. Has anyone of you experienced this before? Any ideas on what i could do?

Opencv contrib modules on VS15


I have been trying to build the opencv_contrib module for OpenCV 3.1 on Visual Studio 15. These are the steps I've done so far:

1) Downloaded the OpenCV 3.1 self extracting binariesfrom and extracted the content to my chosen directory (C:\opencv).

2) Cloned the opencv_contrib reporepository from here and chosen a directory for it (C:\opencv_contrib)

3) Opened I tried running the Cmake GUI from standard command line using admin rights. I chose the VS15 as generator for this.

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It got me this error:

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Here it seems to me that Cmake is unable to find the VS dev-cmd and generated the buildC++ compiler, and thus is unable to generate the build. To fix this i tried running the cmake-gui from the developer command line for VS15.

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This seemed to have done the trick.

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I wrote in the path for the OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH:

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I also ticked OFF the opencv_aruco module as I know it causes problems with my current project.

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After this i hit "configure" and let Cmake run. It does this with no error. I then hit "generate" and let it finish. All still good.

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4) Opened I then opened the created OpenCV.sln project in VSthe C:\opencv\build folder in VS.

5) Built the release and debug versions of I then tried to build the ALL_BUILD and INSTALL project files

Now my files and get this error output for the building the debug solution of ALL_BUILD:

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It seems here to me that the problem arises when I try to use any of the opencv_contrib functions. When I build my own project solution the lies in Cmake trying to generate a 32bit solution, while VS15 compiler complains that I am trying to use x86 code within expects a x64 program. Has anyone of you experienced this before? 64bit solution. I have no idea how this happens! Any ideas on what i could do?help would be appreciated!