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opencv windows dlls bugs

are opencv windows dlls buggy? Using debug dlls with the debug build works fine. The moment I use the release dlls with my release build I start getting all sorts of errors.

I also found some stackoverflow posts with people facing similar issues

Have others encountered this? Are there any ways around this ?

opencv windows dlls bugs

are opencv windows dlls buggy? I have downloaded opencv for windows which came with dlls built using vc12. I am using them in a project inside visual studio 2013. AndI am doing this:

 auto mat = imdecode(data, IMREAD_UNCHANGED);

Both x64 debug and release dlls work good with my test data. The x86 release dlls, however, give a mat that has a huge (wrong) number of rows and columns from the same data. Using debug x86 dlls with the debug build works fine. The moment I use the release dlls with my release build I start getting all sorts of errors. fine.

I also found some stackoverflow posts with people facing similar issues

Have others encountered this? Are there any ways around this ?