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Detect the bounds of a Passport page with OpenCV

I am trying to develop a scanner that can scan a page of a Passport with the camera.

So from a Passport page like this: image description

I'd like to crop out the marked part.

I have written code for edge detection using OpenCV which finds the contours and then approximates the largest quadrilateral. Finally it does a 4 point perspective transformation to get a top view of the image. The edge detection code look like this:

public static List<MatOfPoint> findContours(Mat src){
Mat img = src.clone();
//find contours
double ratio = getScaleRatio(img.size());
int width = (int) (img.size().width / ratio);
int height = (int) (img.size().height / ratio);
Size newSize = new Size(width, height);
Mat resizedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC4);
Imgproc.resize(img, resizedImg, newSize);

Imgproc.medianBlur(resizedImg, resizedImg, 5);

Mat cannedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
Imgproc.Canny(resizedImg, cannedImg, 70, 200, 3, true);

Imgproc.threshold(cannedImg, cannedImg, 200, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);

Mat dilatedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
Mat morph = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(3, 3));
Imgproc.dilate(cannedImg, dilatedImg, morph, new Point(-1, -1), 2, 1, new Scalar(1));

ArrayList<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<>();
Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
Imgproc.findContours(dilatedImg, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

Log.d(TAG, "contours found: " + contours.size());

Collections.sort(contours, new Comparator<MatOfPoint>() {
    public int compare(MatOfPoint o1, MatOfPoint o2) {
        return Double.valueOf(Imgproc.contourArea(o2)).compareTo(Imgproc.contourArea(o1));

return contours;

this code works for single page documents i.e ID cards, credit cards. Where the input is like this:

image description

But doesn't work for passports as the top edge is not as distinctive, for example: image description

The inputs will be taken from camera preview on Android. Any idea how can I detect the passport page? I am using OpenCV 3.1. Thanks in Advance!

Detect the bounds of a Passport page with OpenCV

I am trying to develop a scanner that can scan a page of a Passport with the camera.

So from a Passport page like this: image description

I'd like to crop out the marked part.

I have written code for edge detection using OpenCV which finds the contours and then approximates the largest quadrilateral. Finally it does a 4 point perspective transformation to get a top view of the image. The edge detection code look like this:

public static List<MatOfPoint> findContours(Mat src){
Mat img = src.clone();
//find contours
double ratio = getScaleRatio(img.size());
int width = (int) (img.size().width / ratio);
int height = (int) (img.size().height / ratio);
Size newSize = new Size(width, height);
Mat resizedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC4);
Imgproc.resize(img, resizedImg, newSize);

Imgproc.medianBlur(resizedImg, resizedImg, 5);

Mat cannedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
Imgproc.Canny(resizedImg, cannedImg, 70, 200, 3, true);

Imgproc.threshold(cannedImg, cannedImg, 200, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);

Mat dilatedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
Mat morph = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(3, 3));
Imgproc.dilate(cannedImg, dilatedImg, morph, new Point(-1, -1), 2, 1, new Scalar(1));

ArrayList<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<>();
Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
Imgproc.findContours(dilatedImg, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

Log.d(TAG, "contours found: " + contours.size());

Collections.sort(contours, new Comparator<MatOfPoint>() {
    public int compare(MatOfPoint o1, MatOfPoint o2) {
        return Double.valueOf(Imgproc.contourArea(o2)).compareTo(Imgproc.contourArea(o1));

return contours;

this code works for single page documents i.e ID cards, credit cards. Where the input is like this:

image description

But doesn't work for passports as the top edge is not as distinctive, for example: image description

The inputs will be taken from camera preview on Android. Any idea how can I detect the passport page? I am using OpenCV 3.1. Thanks in Advance!

EDIT: I am adding a few sample images.

1. Sample 1

2. Sample 2

3. sample 3

4. Sample 4

Detect the bounds of a Passport page with OpenCV

I am trying to develop a scanner that can scan a page of a Passport with the camera.

So from a Passport page like this: image description

I'd like to crop out the marked part.

I have written code for edge detection using OpenCV which finds the contours and then approximates the largest quadrilateral. Finally it does a 4 point perspective transformation to get a top view of the image. The edge detection code look like this:

public static List<MatOfPoint> findContours(Mat src){
Mat img = src.clone();
//find contours
double ratio = getScaleRatio(img.size());
int width = (int) (img.size().width / ratio);
int height = (int) (img.size().height / ratio);
Size newSize = new Size(width, height);
Mat resizedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC4);
Imgproc.resize(img, resizedImg, newSize);

Imgproc.medianBlur(resizedImg, resizedImg, 5);

Mat cannedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
Imgproc.Canny(resizedImg, cannedImg, 70, 200, 3, true);

Imgproc.threshold(cannedImg, cannedImg, 200, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);

Mat dilatedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
Mat morph = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(3, 3));
Imgproc.dilate(cannedImg, dilatedImg, morph, new Point(-1, -1), 2, 1, new Scalar(1));

ArrayList<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<>();
Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
Imgproc.findContours(dilatedImg, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

Log.d(TAG, "contours found: " + contours.size());

Collections.sort(contours, new Comparator<MatOfPoint>() {
    public int compare(MatOfPoint o1, MatOfPoint o2) {
        return Double.valueOf(Imgproc.contourArea(o2)).compareTo(Imgproc.contourArea(o1));

return contours;

this code works for single page documents i.e ID cards, credit cards. Where the input is like this:

image description

But doesn't work for passports as the top edge is not as distinctive, for example: image description

The inputs will be taken from camera preview on Android. Any idea how can I detect the passport page? I am using OpenCV 3.1. Thanks in Advance!

EDIT: I am adding a few sample images.

1. Sample 1

2. Sample 2

3. sample 3

4. Sample 4

EDIT 2: I have tried drawing the top border myself so that a quadrilateral could be formed, but in that case the perspective transformation doesn't work as expected. Here's the complete code:

img = data.input.clone();
                    //find contours
                    ratio = img.size().height/FIXED_HEIGHT;
                    width = (int) (img.size().width / ratio);
                    height = (int) (img.size().height / ratio);
                    newSize = new Size(width, height);
                    resizedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC4);
                    Imgproc.resize(img, resizedImg, newSize);

                    Imgproc.medianBlur(resizedImg, resizedImg, 5);

                    //Imgproc.line(resizedImg, new Point(0, 0), new Point(resizedImg.cols()-1, 0), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1);

                    cannedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
                    Imgproc.Canny(resizedImg, cannedImg, 70, 200, 3, true);

                    Imgproc.threshold(cannedImg, cannedImg, 70, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);

                    dilatedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
                    morph = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(3, 3));
                    Imgproc.dilate(cannedImg, dilatedImg, morph, new Point(-1, -1), 2, 1, new Scalar(1));

                    contours = new ArrayList<>();
                    hierarchy = new Mat();
                    Imgproc.findContours(dilatedImg, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

                    Log.d(TAG, "contours found: " + contours.size());

                    Collections.sort(contours, new Comparator<MatOfPoint>() {
                        public int compare(MatOfPoint o1, MatOfPoint o2) {
                            return Double.valueOf(Imgproc.contourArea(o2)).compareTo(Imgproc.contourArea(o1));

                    Imgproc.drawContours(dilatedImg, contours, 0, new Scalar(255, 255, 250));

                    Rect box = Imgproc.boundingRect(contours.get(0));

                    Imgproc.line(dilatedImg,, new Point(,, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2);

                    contours = new ArrayList<>();
                    hierarchy = new Mat();
                    Imgproc.findContours(dilatedImg, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

                    Log.d(TAG, "contours found: " + contours.size());

                    Collections.sort(contours, new Comparator<MatOfPoint>() {
                        public int compare(MatOfPoint o1, MatOfPoint o2) {
                            return Double.valueOf(Imgproc.contourArea(o2)).compareTo(Imgproc.contourArea(o1));

                    Imgproc.drawContours(dilatedImg, contours, 0, new Scalar(255, 255, 250));

                    rectContour = null;
                    foundPoints = null;

                    for(MatOfPoint contour:contours){
                        MatOfPoint2f mat = new MatOfPoint2f(contour.toArray());
                        double peri = Imgproc.arcLength(mat, true);
                        MatOfPoint2f approx = new MatOfPoint2f();
                        Imgproc.approxPolyDP(mat, approx, 0.02 * peri, true);

                        Point[] points = approx.toArray();
                        Log.d("SCANNER", "approx size " + points.length);

                        if (points.length == 4) {
                            Point[] spoints = CVProcessor.sortPoints(points);

                            if (CVProcessor.insideArea(spoints, newSize)) {
                                rectContour = contour;
                                foundPoints = spoints;

                    if(rectContour != null){
                        Point[] scaledPoints = new Point[foundPoints.length];

                        for(int i = 0; i < foundPoints.length; i++){
                            scaledPoints[i] = new Point(foundPoints[i].x * ratio, foundPoints[i].y * ratio);
                        Log.d("SCANNER", "drawing lines");
                        Imgproc.line(img, scaledPoints[0], scaledPoints[1], new Scalar(250, 0, 0), 10);
                        Imgproc.line(img, scaledPoints[0], scaledPoints[3], new Scalar(250, 0, 0), 10);
                        Imgproc.line(img, scaledPoints[1], scaledPoints[2], new Scalar(250, 0, 0), 10);
                        Imgproc.line(img, scaledPoints[3], scaledPoints[2], new Scalar(250, 0, 0), 10);

Detect the bounds of a Passport page with OpenCV

I am trying to develop a scanner that can scan a page of a Passport with the camera.

So from a Passport page like this: image description

I'd like to crop out the marked part.

I have written code for edge detection using OpenCV which finds the contours and then approximates the largest quadrilateral. Finally it does a 4 point perspective transformation to get a top view of the image. The edge detection code look like this:

public static List<MatOfPoint> findContours(Mat src){
Mat img = src.clone();
//find contours
double ratio = getScaleRatio(img.size());
int width = (int) (img.size().width / ratio);
int height = (int) (img.size().height / ratio);
Size newSize = new Size(width, height);
Mat resizedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC4);
Imgproc.resize(img, resizedImg, newSize);

Imgproc.medianBlur(resizedImg, resizedImg, 5);

Mat cannedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
Imgproc.Canny(resizedImg, cannedImg, 70, 200, 3, true);

Imgproc.threshold(cannedImg, cannedImg, 200, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);

Mat dilatedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
Mat morph = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(3, 3));
Imgproc.dilate(cannedImg, dilatedImg, morph, new Point(-1, -1), 2, 1, new Scalar(1));

ArrayList<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<>();
Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
Imgproc.findContours(dilatedImg, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

Log.d(TAG, "contours found: " + contours.size());

Collections.sort(contours, new Comparator<MatOfPoint>() {
    public int compare(MatOfPoint o1, MatOfPoint o2) {
        return Double.valueOf(Imgproc.contourArea(o2)).compareTo(Imgproc.contourArea(o1));

return contours;

this code works for single page documents i.e ID cards, credit cards. Where the input is like this:

image description

But doesn't work for passports as the top edge is not as distinctive, for example: image description

The inputs will be taken from camera preview on Android. Any idea how can I detect the passport page? I am using OpenCV 3.1. Thanks in Advance!

EDIT: I am adding a few sample images.

1. Sample 1

2. Sample 2Sampe 2

3. sample 3Sample 3

4. Sample 4Sample 4

EDIT 2: I have tried drawing the top border myself so that a quadrilateral could be formed, but in that case the perspective transformation doesn't work as expected. Here's the complete code:

img = data.input.clone();
                    //find contours
                    ratio = img.size().height/FIXED_HEIGHT;
                    width = (int) (img.size().width / ratio);
                    height = (int) (img.size().height / ratio);
                    newSize = new Size(width, height);
                    resizedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC4);
                    Imgproc.resize(img, resizedImg, newSize);

                    Imgproc.medianBlur(resizedImg, resizedImg, 5);

                    //Imgproc.line(resizedImg, new Point(0, 0), new Point(resizedImg.cols()-1, 0), new Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1);

                    cannedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
                    Imgproc.Canny(resizedImg, cannedImg, 70, 200, 3, true);

                    Imgproc.threshold(cannedImg, cannedImg, 70, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU);

                    dilatedImg = new Mat(newSize, CvType.CV_8UC1);
                    morph = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(3, 3));
                    Imgproc.dilate(cannedImg, dilatedImg, morph, new Point(-1, -1), 2, 1, new Scalar(1));

                    contours = new ArrayList<>();
                    hierarchy = new Mat();
                    Imgproc.findContours(dilatedImg, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

                    Log.d(TAG, "contours found: " + contours.size());

                    Collections.sort(contours, new Comparator<MatOfPoint>() {
                        public int compare(MatOfPoint o1, MatOfPoint o2) {
                            return Double.valueOf(Imgproc.contourArea(o2)).compareTo(Imgproc.contourArea(o1));

                    Imgproc.drawContours(dilatedImg, contours, 0, new Scalar(255, 255, 250));

                    Rect box = Imgproc.boundingRect(contours.get(0));

                    Imgproc.line(dilatedImg,, new Point(,, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2);

                    contours = new ArrayList<>();
                    hierarchy = new Mat();
                    Imgproc.findContours(dilatedImg, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

                    Log.d(TAG, "contours found: " + contours.size());

                    Collections.sort(contours, new Comparator<MatOfPoint>() {
                        public int compare(MatOfPoint o1, MatOfPoint o2) {
                            return Double.valueOf(Imgproc.contourArea(o2)).compareTo(Imgproc.contourArea(o1));

                    Imgproc.drawContours(dilatedImg, contours, 0, new Scalar(255, 255, 250));

                    rectContour = null;
                    foundPoints = null;

                    for(MatOfPoint contour:contours){
                        MatOfPoint2f mat = new MatOfPoint2f(contour.toArray());
                        double peri = Imgproc.arcLength(mat, true);
                        MatOfPoint2f approx = new MatOfPoint2f();
                        Imgproc.approxPolyDP(mat, approx, 0.02 * peri, true);

                        Point[] points = approx.toArray();
                        Log.d("SCANNER", "approx size " + points.length);

                        if (points.length == 4) {
                            Point[] spoints = CVProcessor.sortPoints(points);

                            if (CVProcessor.insideArea(spoints, newSize)) {
                                rectContour = contour;
                                foundPoints = spoints;

                    if(rectContour != null){
                        Point[] scaledPoints = new Point[foundPoints.length];

                        for(int i = 0; i < foundPoints.length; i++){
                            scaledPoints[i] = new Point(foundPoints[i].x * ratio, foundPoints[i].y * ratio);
                        Log.d("SCANNER", "drawing lines");
                        Imgproc.line(img, scaledPoints[0], scaledPoints[1], new Scalar(250, 0, 0), 10);
                        Imgproc.line(img, scaledPoints[0], scaledPoints[3], new Scalar(250, 0, 0), 10);
                        Imgproc.line(img, scaledPoints[1], scaledPoints[2], new Scalar(250, 0, 0), 10);
                        Imgproc.line(img, scaledPoints[3], scaledPoints[2], new Scalar(250, 0, 0), 10);