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Verification of fundamental matrix

I have evaluated the fundamental matrix using the following data:

A = [[19, 53], [127, 145], [81, 208], [43, 173], [89, 37], [159, 64], [225, 136], [132, 192], [139, 79]]

B = [[35, 40], [127, 104], [72, 222], [38, 181], [94, 46], [155, 70], [223, 123], [132, 207], [135, 74]]

I have at first corvert them like this:

A = np.float32(A, dtype = "f4")
B = np.float32(B, dtype = "f4")

The matrix then was computed using:

F, M = cv2.findFundamentalMat(A, B, cv2.FM_8POINT)

The matrix I get is:

[[  1.06647202e-06   2.55389070e-05  -3.32304416e-02]
 [  3.11646650e-05  -2.15515828e-06  -2.41711208e-03]
 [  2.48812445e-02  -3.98441929e-03   1.00000000e+00]]

But I believe that I may have done something wrong. Is the form of the two arrays correct? Can someone verify the result? If not where is the mistake I have made in my code?

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updated 2016-10-06 22:23:52 -0600

berak gravatar image

Verification of fundamental matrix

I have evaluated the fundamental matrix using the following data:

A = [[19, 53], [127, 145], [81, 208], [43, 173], [89, 37], [159, 64], [225, 136], [132, 192], [139, 79]]

B = [[35, 40], [127, 104], [72, 222], [38, 181], [94, 46], [155, 70], [223, 123], [132, 207], [135, 74]]

I have at first corvert them like this:

A = np.float32(A, dtype = "f4")
B = np.float32(B, dtype = "f4")

The matrix then was computed using:

F, M = cv2.findFundamentalMat(A, B, cv2.FM_8POINT)

The matrix I get is:

[[  1.06647202e-06   2.55389070e-05  -3.32304416e-02]
 [  3.11646650e-05  -2.15515828e-06  -2.41711208e-03]
 [  2.48812445e-02  -3.98441929e-03   1.00000000e+00]]

But I believe that I may have done something wrong. Is the form of the two arrays correct? Can someone verify the result? If not where is the mistake I have made in my code?

Verification of fundamental matrix

I have evaluated the fundamental matrix using the following data:

A = [[19, 53], [127, 145], [81, 208], [43, 173], [89, 37], [159, 64], [225, 136], [132, 192], [139, 79]]

B = [[35, 40], [127, 104], [72, 222], [38, 181], [94, 46], [155, 70], [223, 123], [132, 207], [135, 74]]

I have at first corvert convert them like this:

A = np.float32(A, dtype = "f4")
B = np.float32(B, dtype = "f4")

The matrix then was computed using:

F, M = cv2.findFundamentalMat(A, B, cv2.FM_8POINT)

The matrix I get is:

[[  1.06647202e-06   2.55389070e-05  -3.32304416e-02]
 [  3.11646650e-05  -2.15515828e-06  -2.41711208e-03]
 [  2.48812445e-02  -3.98441929e-03   1.00000000e+00]]

But I believe that I may have done something wrong. Is the form of the two arrays correct? Can someone verify the result? If not where is the mistake I have made in my code?

Verification of fundamental matrix

I have evaluated the fundamental matrix using the following data:

A = [[19, 53], [127, 145], [81, 208], [43, 173], [89, 37], [159, 64], [225, 136], [132, 192], [139, 79]]

B = [[35, 40], [127, 104], [72, 222], [38, 181], [94, 46], [155, 70], [223, 123], [132, 207], [135, 74]]

I have convert converted them like this:

A = np.float32(A, dtype = "f4")
B = np.float32(B, dtype = "f4")

The matrix then was computed using:

F, M = cv2.findFundamentalMat(A, B, cv2.FM_8POINT)

The matrix I get is:

[[  1.06647202e-06   2.55389070e-05  -3.32304416e-02]
 [  3.11646650e-05  -2.15515828e-06  -2.41711208e-03]
 [  2.48812445e-02  -3.98441929e-03   1.00000000e+00]]

But I believe that I may have done something wrong. Is the form of the two arrays correct? Can someone verify the result? If not where is the mistake I have made in my code?