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Opencv java - Load image to GUI

I'm developing an application using Java Opencv-2.4.4 and swing GUI. Problem is that I'm unable to find any solution, that shows efficient way how to print processed image (saved in Mat object) to java swing GUI. For this moment I'm using this clumsy solution:

javax.swing.JLabel outputImage;
outputImage.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon("/home/username/Output.png"));

private void sliderStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) { 
  Mat canny; // Here is saved what I want to plot
  String filename = "/home/username/Output.png";
  Highgui.imwrite(filename, canny);  // write to disk
  outputImage.setIcon(new ImageIcon( File(filename)))); //update Icon

When user changes some values, inputs etc .., in GUI I have to overwrite Output.png on disk and then update jLabel with new image.

Is there any more elegant / efficient solution to this ? Is it posible to plot or convert Mat object directly to Canvas or Image or anything that is printable as image in swing ?

Opencv java - Load image to GUI

I'm developing an application using Java Opencv-2.4.4 and swing GUI. Problem is that I'm unable to find any solution, that shows efficient way how to print processed image (saved in Mat object) to java swing GUI. For this moment I'm using this clumsy solution:

javax.swing.JLabel outputImage;
outputImage.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon("/home/username/Output.png"));

private void sliderStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) { 
  Mat canny; // Here is saved what I want to plot
  String filename = "/home/username/Output.png";
  Highgui.imwrite(filename, canny);  // write to disk
  outputImage.setIcon(new ImageIcon( File(filename)))); //update Icon

When user changes some values, inputs etc .., in GUI I have to overwrite Output.png on disk and then update jLabel with new image.image from disk.

Is there any more elegant / efficient solution to this ? Is it posible to plot or convert Mat object directly to Canvas or Image or anything that is printable as image in swing ?