Hi everyone, I'm new to Python and OpenCV, using versions 3.4 and 3.0 respectively. I'm trying to use two USB webcams to grab 2 sets of frames each and then retrieve the frames. However when I use grab it seems to use a frame from before I call the command, so I think it has some buffer saved in its memory. I was getting around this by calling grab twice for each frame, however I'm sure there must be a more efficient way of clearing the memory. I've looked in the documentation and can't find anything about clearing the camera memory. Here is my relevant code:
Background frame
# turn LEDS off
print('Get in position!')
print('Capture in progress...')
myoutput.WriteAnalogScalarF64(True,timeout,0,None) # LEDs off
#ret, framer1 = cap1.grab() # to throw
#ret, framel1 = cap2.grab()
retr1 = cap1.grab() # take background frame
retl1 = cap2.grab()
# Waveguide frame #
# turn LEDS on
#ret, framer2 = cap1.grab() # to throw
#ret, framel2 = cap2.grab()
retr2 = cap1.grab() # take a waveguide frame
retl2 = cap2.grab()
if retr1 == True and retl1 == True:
print('Background frame error')
if retr2 == True and retl2 == True:
print('LED-on frame error')
# Remove background light & write to file
# Right
retr1, framer1 = cap1.retrieve(retr1)
retl1, framel1 = cap2.retrieve(retl1)
retr2, framer2 = cap1.retrieve(retr2)
retl2, framel2 = cap2.retrieve(retl2)
framer = cv2.subtract(framer2,framer1)
# Left
framel = cv2.subtract(framel2,framel1)