Getting the correct frame rate
I am using OpenCV 3.1 on VS2015.
I have a video that, according to the file properties, runs at 26 FPS.
I am trying to set the waitKey in such a way that it will allow the video to play at the correct frame rate.
Here is a snippet of my code:
clock_t begin = clock(), end = clock();
unsigned int count = 0;
float FPS = 0;
int wait = (int)(1000.0/cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS));
std::cout << "Video show a frame every " << wait << " milliseconds (" << cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) << " FPS)" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (frames-1); i++)
if ((end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC >= 1)
FPS = (float)count;
count = 0;
begin = clock();
cv::putText(window_frame, std::to_string(FPS), cv::Point(10, window_frame.rows - 40), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar::all(255), 2, 8);
cv::imshow("Video", window_frame.clone());
//Need to get frame rate correct, involving the waitkey
if (cv::waitKey(wait) >= 0) break;
end = clock();
When the code is run the output is as follows:
Video show a frame every 37 milliseconds (26.9043 FPS)
However the variable FPS is reporting back 18 to 22. What is the reason for this? I would very much like the video frame rate and the program frame rate to match. I understand waitKey waits for a MINIMUM of the delay supplied to it, so it may not be the best "frame rate setting" device. Should I try to limit or force the framerate I want through other means?
I am maybe wrong on that but if you draw something or even show your frame it consumes time. So i think thats the reson why your framerate doesn't match. The speed also depends if your are running the code in "DEBUG" or "RELASE". From my knowledge "DEBUG" mode is approximately 2 to 2.5 times slower then running the code in "RELEASE" mode.