Bag of Features: why the distance between two histograms of the same image is different than 0?
I'm trying to implement a Content Based Image Retrieval application for small image datasets. I'm testing it just with 1 thousands images from Caltech1001.
The approach that I'm using is the classic Bag of Features model using OpenCV using k
-means and cv::SIFT
detector/descriptor and HISTCMP_CHISQR_ALT
as distance metric. Just for testing purpose, I tried to use as a query one image from the dataset itself, so the distance should be 0. This is the relative code:
cv::Mat vocabulary; //fill vocabulary through k-Means
cv::Mat histograms;
cv::Mat imgHistogram;
cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher(new cv::BFMatcher);
std::unique_ptr<cv::BOWImgDescriptorExtractor> bowDE =
std::make_unique<cv::BOWImgDescriptorExtractor> (featureDetectorDescriptor,matcher);
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keyPoints;
//Compute histograms for all dataset images
for (each img in the dataset){
featureDetectorDescriptor->detect(img, keyPoints);
//Compute the word of one image img FROM THE DATASET ITSELF!
featureDetectorDescriptor->detect(img, keyPoints);
double mindist = DBL_MAX;
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++){
double dist = compareHist(imgHistogram, histograms.row(i), cv::HISTCMP_CHISQR_ALT );
minDist = dist;
Ok, since the query image img
is contained in the database itself, the most similar returned is img
itself, but minDist is different from 0! For example, for one image the distance from herself is 0.0119228
And these are the relative histograms:
in histogram
[0.0059701493, 0.0089552235, 0.052238807, 0.0014925373, 0.0029850747, 0.016417911, 0.0014925373, 0.0014925373, 0.0014925373, 0.0014925373, 0.011940299, 0.0074626869, 0.0014925373, 0.0044776117, 0.0029850747, 0.0044776117, 0.011940299, 0.014925374, 0.12985075, 0.0044776117, 0.0014925373, 0.0074626869, 0, 0.0029850747, 0.0014925373, 0.013432836, 0.0074626869, 0.011940299, 0.0029850747, 0.0014925373, 0.061194029, 0.013432836, 0.0059701493, 0.0029850747, 0, 0.0014925373, 0.0074626869, 0.0014925373, 0.0059701493, 0.0029850747, 0.0029850747, 0.0029850747, 0.0059701493, 0, 0.025373135, 0.017910447, 0.0044776117, 0.0044776117, 0.0044776117, 0.0014925373, 0.0014925373, 0.0074626869, 0.010447761, 0.014925374, 0.0044776117, 0.0029850747, 0.0059701493, 0.055223882, 0.0029850747, 0, 0.0089552235, 0.0029850747, 0.0074626869, 0.0044776117, 0.0074626869, 0.0089552235, 0.0059701493, 0.0014925373, 0.020895522, 0, 0, 0.014925374, 0.019402985, 0.0029850747, 0.0044776117, 0, 0.0089552235, 0.0029850747, 0.0029850747, 0.0029850747, 0, 0.0014925373, 0.016417911, 0, 0.010447761, 0.017910447, 0.013432836, 0.0089552235, 0.0014925373, 0.011940299, 0.019402985, 0.010447761, 0.0059701493, 0.059701495, 0.031343285, 0.016417911, 0.011940299, 0.0014925373, 0.010447761, 0.0044776117]
as query:
[0.0061349692, 0.0092024542, 0.053680979, 0.0015337423, 0.0030674846, 0.016871165, 0.0015337423, 0.0015337423, 0.0015337423, 0.0015337423, 0.010736196, 0.0076687112, 0.0015337423, 0.0046012271, 0.0030674846, 0.0046012271, 0.012269938, 0.016871165, 0.12423313, 0.0046012271, 0.0015337423, 0.0076687112, 0, 0.0030674846, 0.0015337423, 0.01380368, 0.0076687112, 0.012269938, 0.0030674846, 0, 0.06134969, 0.01380368, 0.0061349692, 0.0030674846, 0, 0.0015337423, 0 ...
can it be, that the caltech images are lossily compressed, e.g. jpg ?
Just a guess: Is it possible that internally a Flann-Tree is somewhee used to get closest distances? This would introduce some kind of randomness as it is only an approximation to the nearest neighbour search.
Yes they are if I'm not wrong (cannot check now), why should that matters?
... then the histogram would change since possible other nearest cluster center (=visual word) would have been choosen for some descriptors. As flann has also in its name, it only gives you the approximate nearest neighbor.
Actually with my "yes" I was reffering about the .jpg. As you can see from the code I'm using
cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher(new cv::BFMatcher);
So no, technically there should not be any randomization (right?)
hmm, the jpg idea is probably a wrong turn. yes, lossy jpg compression will lead to slightly different results on different machines or programs, but not within the same prog, linked to the same jpeg lib.