How to track a marked point from this video?
Hi, I am preparing some lectures about "chaotic dynamics" and for this i would like to study the motion of this object:
I know C++ but not opencv. What is the best way to extract a list of positions x(t), y(t) (where t is time or image number) of one of the yellow marked points from one of these videos please?
Frederic Faure.
In my opinion:
You will have to finely tune the parameters I think.
For the segmenting the yellow, you also need the inRange function.
Secondly, make sure you use Mophological operations to close any small holes in the segmentation.
Personally, I suggest using the connectedComponents function instead of contours as it's simpler to understand.
And last, remember that the yellow spots don't move very far, so just grab the closest blob centroid to the previous one and you should have a good list of points.
Previous comment are the way even if it looks you are looking for 4 markers right ? My hints: