improving fps of face recognition by using threads

asked 2016-07-06 04:55:37 -0600

atv gravatar image

So with your average facerec demo code as in the face/samples (shown below), the more faces it detects the slower the fps gets.

I w as thinking, either i start a thread right before


and close it after, or i start it after:

for(int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++) {

And closing it after the work in that loop is completed so that each face get's it's own separate thread. Would this be a good idea?

for(;;) {
char key;

cap >> frame;
// Clone the current frame:
Mat original = frame.clone();
// Convert the current frame to grayscale:
Mat gray;
if(original.empty()) { // We got an empty or a grayscale frame.
// This will hopefully prevent the cvtcolor crash
cout << "frame type:" << original.type() << endl;
cout << "frame empty:" << original.empty() << endl;
cout << "frame depth:" << original.depth() << endl;
cout << "frame channels:" << original.channels() << endl;

cvtColor(original, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); //original
// Find the faces in the frame:
vector< Rect_<int> > faces;
haar_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, faces,1.2,4,0|CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE,      Size(min_face_size,min_face_size),Size(max_face_size,max_face_size)); 
// At this point you have the position of the faces in
// faces. Now we'll get the faces, make a prediction and
// annotate it in the video. Cool or what?

Mat face_resized;
for(int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++) {
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Have you checked where the time is being used? I assume it is mostly going to detectMultiScale(). In this case starting a new thread won't help you with anything.

Apparently this function is already parallelized (?) but I'll let someone else elaborate more about that (how does it decide how many threads to use?).

logidelic gravatar imagelogidelic ( 2016-07-06 07:56:05 -0600 )edit

As far as I could see in the source code it is parallelized, so it will not be faster to use threads anymore. You could try to activate AVX support if you have a CPU >= Sandybridge to speed up the detection, because some parts use AVX intrinsics. But beware that the program crashes on older CPU's when activating AVX, so for this case you have to build OpenCV twice.

matman gravatar imagematman ( 2016-07-06 13:16:19 -0600 )edit