I plan to recognize paper bills by denomination but i can't think of a way to do so ... it must be invariant of illumination, rotation and scale. can i use haar or LBP ? do you have any suggestions?

asked 2016-06-30 10:13:20 -0600

bertumen.wj gravatar image

i can't get if using the training cascade in opencv determine paper bill by denomination......

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imho, training cascades on your problem is a bad idea.

cascades are binary classifiers (yes or no), training many of them on very similar things like banknotes will only result in many false positives.

i think, you're confusing a classification problem(which banknote is it?) with a detection one(banknote or not?) and cascade classifiers are the wrong tool for this.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2016-06-30 11:39:01 -0600 )edit

so what should you prefer that i use that includes training?

bertumen.wj gravatar imagebertumen.wj ( 2016-06-30 19:59:44 -0600 )edit

Since you need to deal with illumination, rotation and scale, I suggest you can give bag of visual words(BOVW) or convolution neural network a try. opencv provide good tools to train your classifier base on BOVW, if you need a very easy to use cnn library, please google tiny-cnn.

stereomatching gravatar imagestereomatching ( 2016-07-01 20:49:19 -0600 )edit

Since you need to deal with illumination, rotation and scale, I suggest you give bag of visual words(BOVW) or convolution neural network a try. opencv provide good tools to train your classifier base on BOVW, if you need a very easy to use cnn library, please google tiny-cnn.

stereomatching gravatar imagestereomatching ( 2016-07-01 20:49:31 -0600 )edit

can i use bag of visual words for identifying the denomination of the paper bill ?? or can i use haar ? instead

bertumen.wj gravatar imagebertumen.wj ( 2016-07-07 07:51:17 -0600 )edit