How to convert David Lowe keypoints into OpenCV keypoints?
I want to use siftfast for computing SIFT keypoints.
The Keypoint
structure is defined in siftfast.h
typedef struct KeypointSt {
float row, col; // Subpixel location of keypoint.
float scale, ori; // Scale and orientation (range [-PI,PI])
float descrip[128]; // Vector of descriptor values
struct KeypointSt *next; // Pointer to next keypoint in list.
} *Keypoint;
While the consturctor of opencv keypoints is:
KeyPoint (float x, float y, float _size, float _angle=-1, float _response=0, int _octave=0, int _class_id=-1)
Now, I have to find a way to map the siftfast's Keypoint
into OpenCV's KeyPoint
But what about the other values? Can you help me this conversion?
just saying, that project is 6 years old (and probably unmaintained).
I don't think
is correct. It should be the reverse.
If your lib (whatever lib you want to use) already computes the descriptor you want, you just need to fill the descriptor matrix to match them later. Cannot help you with the keypoint conversion.
@berak just sayin' ;) And I don't know any other parallel (not gpu) SIFT implementation.
@berak but if you know any parallel implementation, please let me know! :)