How can I fit and then overlay 2 images which have different resolution ?
One represents has a mesh, which is supposed to overlay the Layer1 . I didn't find how can I do this using the opencv. I know that is possible change image resolution, however, I don't know how to fit both images
This is the main image: image1 - (2.6 MB)
I have this one, which has the correct mesh to the image above:
The code to change resolution is more or less this :
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
img1 = cv2.imread('transparency.jpg')
img2 = cv2.imread('La1.png')
row1,cols1, ch1 = img1.shape
row2,cols2, ch2 = img2.shape
res = cv2.resize(img2, None , fx = (1.* row1 /row2 ), fy =(1.* cols1 /cols2 ), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
check this answer here
should do the trick ;-)thx tor the tip @theodore. However, It could only help me with the overlay part. How can I fit properly the shapes? If you look at the booth images they must fit. The mesh should be the "boundary".
@marcoE please don't upload such a big files.