what is the different between 2.4.13 and 3.1?
the version of 3.1 is newer than 2.4.13 which is published later. who is more functions?
the version of 3.1 is newer than 2.4.13 which is published later. who is more functions?
find the following link Difference between 2.4.xx and 3.xx also refere the following answers
Asked: 2016-05-21 10:33:53 -0600
Seen: 31,497 times
Last updated: May 22 '16
[email protected] 7x slower than CvEM @ 2.2.0
Facing output difference while using different OpenCv Versions
updating open cv to version 3 [closed]
Need clarification on closure of post (studio ?)
which OpenCV version is installed? (Mac)
How to know which git commit corresponds to a Download version?
Get wrong version from pkg-config --modversion opencv