Fingerprint orientation map
Hello. I'm working with fingerprints in openCV c++ and I need to make an orientation map like this:
Could you help me how to do it? I would greet some code,too :)
Hello. I'm working with fingerprints in openCV c++ and I need to make an orientation map like this:
Could you help me how to do it? I would greet some code,too :)
What you basically are telling us is that you probably have a school assignment to implement this stuff on your computer and you want us to provide you with a solution. Because I think that people learn more by actually trying, I will set you on the right way.
The orientation map is created by looking at the rough surface of the finger. You want to create a representation of the most specific edges in the image.
So have a look into edge detection algorithms:
After you have segmented out edges, create a binary image from that. You could use the binary image to match linear Hough Transforms to detects lines, straight parts and see if that gets you anywhere.
Try some stuff out and report back with questions.
Thank you! I just started to make this part of my program today, I was just stuck a bit with it. I tried some of the things you wrote, so I must be on the correct way. Tomorrow I will continue and I hope I will find the solution. Thanks for the good answer :)
You are welcome. Feel free to accept the answer if it actually solves your problem :)
A edge filter gives you an orientation and a size. You just have to average over bins.
Asked: 2013-03-17 13:06:40 -0600
Seen: 1,575 times
Last updated: Mar 17 '13
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