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Image acquisition techniques for Vision

asked 2016-05-15 22:56:46 -0600

Nbb gravatar image

updated 2016-05-15 23:06:35 -0600


I was wondering if anyone knows the different kinds of sensors being used in computer vision / image processing. For eg, i recently found out about multispectral imaging and that it can be used to study the reflectance of objects (which would help in recognition purposes i guess). Other than that, I only know about the existence and usage of depth and infrared cameras through a computer vision database.

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answered 2016-05-16 05:12:55 -0600

pklab gravatar image

Camera vendors provide their own C++ API to grab from their cameras in the form of DLL or static LIB. Is a common way for API to provide a memory buffer where the image (with all its layers) is stored in the memory.

If layers in memory are organized pixel by pixels this is fine because is same how to OpenCV manages layers for Mat. If layers are organized layer by layer you need to do of some memory reconstruction. See How the image matrix is stored in the memory? for more info.

When you have this pointer with right memory organization you can to make a cv::Mat header for user-allocated data see and process it in-place using OpenCV functions. See the doc for more info.

You have to create your OpenCV project that use and Link to vendor's API

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Asked: 2016-05-15 22:56:46 -0600

Seen: 226 times

Last updated: May 16 '16