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Apply rotate angle and scale factor to a chessboard image.

asked 2016-04-22 08:11:01 -0600

mvc gravatar image

I got a chessboard image (C:\fakepath\calib13.png.

I will project that chessboard image into a plane but I want to apply some scale factor and rotation angle in x and y in order to project the same image seen from different perspectives and heights.

How can I make it using OpenCv library?

Thank you in advance!

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answered 2016-04-22 15:22:18 -0600

Tetragramm gravatar image

You want the getRotationMatrix2D function. That gives you the affine matrix to warp by. Then warpAffine to do the actual transformation.

Give the core and imgproc module documentation a read-through. Most of what anybody needs is in those two modules.

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Asked: 2016-04-22 08:11:01 -0600

Seen: 997 times

Last updated: Apr 22 '16