traincascade stuck on 7-stage ending with POS count

asked 2016-04-22 07:01:27 -0600

ShawnShawnShawn gravatar image

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My traincascade process stuck on 7-stage and nothing was changing.

I'm using positive samples with 2429 exact faces( 19×19) and negative samples with 4548 non-faces 19×19 (both dataset from web for face detection). I didn't create additional samples with opencv_createsamples, just used 2429 positives to create vector file with exact 2429 samples. I have used the full path for description file both of positives and negatives.

Here is my training parameters:(numPos=2429×0.85=2064, numNeg≈0.5×numPos=4000) opencv_traincascade -data data -vec positives.vec -bg negative.txt -numPos 2064 -numNeg 4000 -numStages 15 -precalcValBufSize 1024 -precalcValBufSize 1024 -featureType LBP -w 19 -h 19 -minHitRate 0.995 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5

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My traincascade process stuck on 7-stage and nothing was changing. --> How long was it stuck? Negative window sampling can take as long as multiple hours up to even days ... just be patient!

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2016-04-22 07:16:14 -0600 )edit