Is BindToObject an internal opencv function?

asked 2016-04-02 02:58:28 -0600

LBerger gravatar image

updated 2016-04-02 08:52:55 -0600


I have got a surface pro 4 with openv and visual 2015 and I have got some strange message when I open a videocapture. In console output I can see :

D] fd_params.max_num_faces : 10 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():454
D] new_params.rip_range : 120 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():455
D] fd_params.rip_flag : 59 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():456
D] new_params.rop_range : 90 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():457
D] fd_params.rop_flag : 5 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():458
D] new_params.min_face_ratio : 0.076000 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():459
D] fd_params.min_face_size : 32 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():460
D] new_params.num_rollover_frames : 30 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():461
D] fd_params.max_computable_pixels : 14000 @ pvl_face_detection_set_parameters():462

In debug mode I have found that this function is origin hr = pMoniker->BindToObject(NULL, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)gottaFilter);

Is it an opencv function ? or may be this

I think message is caused by pvl64.dll

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does that mean, your funny box starts a (remote) face detection, once you open a webcam ?

^wireshark !!

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2016-04-02 03:18:42 -0600 )edit

Another test : Surface pro 4 and vs 2015 (opencv in static)

before videocapture memory 2184Ko and 4 threads

after videocapture memory 54352 Ko and 15 threads

PC with a logitec webcam vs 2013 (opencv in static)

before videocapture memory 2124Ko and 4 threads

after videocapture memory 11644 Ko and 8 threads

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2016-04-02 03:37:58 -0600 )edit

BindToObject is Microsoft/Com code. (but a valid part of opencv's dshow wrapper lib)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2016-04-02 09:06:36 -0600 )edit