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Which single board computer should I chose?

asked 2016-03-26 08:28:34 -0600

baser gravatar image

updated 2017-10-09 17:07:10 -0600

Hi opencv community

I' m working with opencv to make a robot which can go itself with image proccessing. I am using lots of hardware in this project and I used pcduino V3 until this time. But I want to change pcduino because I' m having some trouble with it.

I looked lots of single board compuers on the internet and finally find 4 boards to chosing. But I cannot decide which board I should choice for best performance. Can anyone help me for it?

I can give 100$ at most, so I find:

  • Banana Pi M3 1.8Ghz * 8 Cores / PowerVR SGX544MP1 / wireless / 8 Gb Emmc Flash /2 usb ports
  • Orange Pi Plus 2 1.6Ghz * 4 Cores / Mali 400 Mp2 / wirekes / 16 Gb Emmc Flash / 4 usb ports
  • Odroid XU4 2.0Ghz * 4 Cores + 1.4 Ghz * 4 Cores / Mali T 628 MP6 / no wireless / no flash / 3 usb ports
  • Odroid C2 2.0Ghz * 4 Cores / Mali 450 / no wireless / no flash / 4 usb ports

Which board is the powerfull board from other boards or are there more powerpull board from these?(less $100)

Thanks a lot..

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It actuall all depends on what you want to do with it. A collegue of mine wrote a paper on single board computer selection for drones, which could be interesting for your application also. Take a look here! Good luck with the selection!

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2016-03-29 04:48:53 -0600 )edit

To compare the specifications: Catalog of 81 open-spec, hacker friendly SBCs.

Eduardo gravatar imageEduardo ( 2016-11-01 09:05:42 -0600 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2016-03-29 12:54:41 -0600

baser gravatar image

Thanks for your helping .

I made my choice with Banana M3.

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Now I am at the same crossroads and thinking about Banana M3 too. One year has passed and I suppose now you have experience. Can you tell - are you happy with it ? Can you suggest it for OpenCV processing ?

yesbird gravatar imageyesbird ( 2017-03-12 13:52:00 -0600 )edit

answered 2016-11-29 00:46:08 -0600

There are couple of SBC's which are based on Freescale SoC, I would recommend Graperain Custom Single Board Computer which is off-the-shelf embedded platform that consists of a Computer on Module and a carrier board. The platform can be scaled up to accommodate future requirements by switching to another pin-compatible COM based on latest processors. You can choose any COM and a compatible carrier board, to create a customized SBC that is tuned to your needs. These platforms can be used for both engineering development and mass-production.

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Asked: 2016-03-26 08:28:34 -0600

Seen: 3,466 times

Last updated: Nov 29 '16