Is it possible to make HoG scale invariant?
I was wondering if its possible to make hog features scale invariant by using a normalization method?
I was wondering if its possible to make hog features scale invariant by using a normalization method?
Asked: 2016-03-22 09:18:00 -0600
Seen: 1,043 times
Last updated: Mar 22 '16
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What do you mean by scale invariant? This is a histogram, so it is by definition.
I did not knew HoG was scale invariant. By scale invariant, I mean that for example I trained an object Object_1 of size A when i am testing an object of size 2*A. Will it classify it as Object_1?
For geometrical scale invariance you have to resize your region to a specific size otherwise you can get a different number of features from HoG. Use cv::resize with a fixed size for this.
I shold resize the ROI, that is I put a bounding box over it, crop it and then resize it to a specific size.