Matlab haar cascade opencv android compatibility
I trained a haar cascade classifier in matlab. I want to use the model(xml file) in opencv with android. The xml file says its compatible with OpenCV 2.4. I am using OpenCV 3.0 in android. Will it have any compatibility issue? I am using Android Studio.
I never tried it before, but if I am correctly, then matlab is outputting the exact same format. Furthermore, the format of the new models using traincascade has NOT been changed from 2.4 to 3.x.
Thanks for reply. I tried it it doesnt work actually. My xml file was compatible with 2.4 but i tried loading it in 3.0. It was loading the xml file. When i changed my version back to 2.4, everything worked as it should.
Then they are probably using the old xml format, which is still supported in OpenCV 2.4.x and not in 3.x ... which is a pitty, because it will slowly disappear.