LBPH OpenCV Raspberry Pi with Python

asked 2016-03-01 12:28:47 -0600


I have a Raspberry Pi and am trying to incorporate the cv2.createLBPHFaceRecognizer(). The code ran fine until we ran apt-get upgrade, causing OpenCV2 to update to OpenCV3. This removed the facial recognition function, causing the build to break.

We tried to run the same code to install OpenCV2 but it gave us the message that it would automatically install OpenCV3 (or the python-opencv module for apt-get). When we looked at the versions for python2.7-opencv, there was none, indicating that it got removed from the repo.

Because the Raspberry Pi is reeeaaally slow and will take a very long time to compile OpenCV2 from scratch, is there another way to install some sort of pre-existing compiled binary? If not, is there a way to use OpenCV3 with opencv-contrib without compiling them both? If not, is there a way to compile OpenCV2 on my local machine? Thanks.

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