Need help to check a program
I have tried to write a program about this paper. May be somebody can waste some time to compare with this (I haven't got matlab)
thanks in advance
I have tried to write a program about this paper. May be somebody can waste some time to compare with this (I haven't got matlab)
thanks in advance
Asked: Feb 23 '16
Seen: 237 times
Last updated: Feb 23 '16
interesting, just liked to test it.
@LBerger nice job Laurent, if I find some time I will try to check it as well. However, this one is different than the one you pointed me in the other topic, right?
@theodore thanks. this works is included in the other topic. About other topic you can find it on github too but it is not ready for test
May I suggest that you create a pull request for this great job?
I agree with @Mathieu Barnachon ;-)
@Mathieu Barnachon why not. But i want to invectigate steerable pyramid before.
About filter values : values of tap filters are not equal to values given in paper. I think it's only normalization problem.
I have swap x and y filters.