Where are missing routines from multitracker tracker?
I am trying to figure out how to use the multi-tracker new 3.1 features by Tyan. I went to the tutorial page at the following link: http://docs.opencv.org/master/d5/d07/...
On the sample code the following lines give me compile problems:
#include <opencv2/tracking.hpp>
I believe it should be
#include <opencv2/video/tracking.hpp>
40 // create the tracker
42 MultiTracker trackers(trackingAlg);
The class MultiTracker is not defined. Where can I find this?
56 // get bounding box
57 cap >> frame;
59 selectROI("tracker",frame,objects);
seleectROI is not defined anywhere I can find. Where can I get this routine?
Is there a better source available that would allow me to demo the multi-object tracking by Tyan?
Thanks, Gene
" the multi-object tracking by Tyan" -- just saying, most of the tracker code was written by kurnianggoro (better get your credits right..)
Same problem here bro.....the error lists are 1. MultiTracker was not defined in this scope. 2. selectROI is not defined at all. Stuck at this point for a week.
if u found the solution plz help me too
@ManuVISION: you need to rebuild with https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib , those classes are not in the main opencv repo.
Thanks Berak. Do you have any code for Multi Tracking using Kalman Filter in C++. I desperately need one. i can do a single track but not multi using Kalman.