
asked 2016-02-02 00:31:32 -0600

updated 2016-02-02 06:14:25 -0600

Hello I m using this code for stereo matching but i dont know how to set input parameters for int main function i would be appreciate if anyone give me a hint or an example. thanks. (these are only almost the fist lines of the code)

 int main(int argc, char** argv)
    const char* algorithm_opt = "--algorithm=";
    const char* maxdisp_opt = "--max-disparity=";
const char* blocksize_opt = "--blocksize=";
const char* nodisplay_opt = "--no-display";
const char* scale_opt = "--scale=";

if(argc < 3)
    return 0;
const char* img1_filename = 0;
const char* img2_filename = 0;
const char* intrinsic_filename = 0;
const char* extrinsic_filename = 0;
const char* disparity_filename = 0;
const char* point_cloud_filename = 0;
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Please read this faq

Balaji R gravatar imageBalaji R ( 2016-02-02 06:16:02 -0600 )edit