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Feature extraction of a binary image

asked 2013-03-05 05:21:05 -0600

Heshan Sandeepa gravatar image

updated 2013-03-05 05:22:17 -0600

i am doing OCR project using c++ and opencv. I have some black and white images of separated handwritten characters. I want to extract unique features from those images in order to classify them using OpenCV.LIBSVM. can any one tell me what are the suitable algorithms for feature extraction in opencv?

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answered 2013-03-05 08:31:45 -0600

updated 2013-03-05 08:33:22 -0600

Actually wondering how hard people look inside documentations these days ... let alone just google their problem. People should perform some effort.

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Asked: 2013-03-05 05:21:05 -0600

Seen: 1,381 times

Last updated: Mar 05 '13