Can openCV help get the measurement of people through the camera of a phone.

asked 2016-01-12 07:22:37 -0600

I want to build an app that will get the measurement of people that is height, weight, arm length, and waist size. A friend of mine said i can use Open Cv to achieve.

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You could do it, but it is not simple... you should always have an object of reference for the height and arm length or waist size, or at least a calibration for computing image depth with one camera and based on that to approximate the measurements. About the weight, you may be able to do an unreal thing based on the volume of the person and compute a weight based on the mass of a person on cm3. This could be a funny app!

thdrksdfthmn gravatar imagethdrksdfthmn ( 2016-01-12 07:58:28 -0600 )edit