Can someone help me with openCV orb config?
I need some help with an orb integration. Please, get back to me and lets get this done.
I am trying to match images from a camera caption to images that are saved in a database.
My current matching with ORB works, but I am getting the following issues: 1. I have a hard time matching images taken from an angle. Example:
Then, some geometrical shaped images are almost impossible to match. Example:
Hard to match images when they have glass on top of them example: https://dastorydemavie.files.wordpres...
Ideas: - I was planning to use rectangle tool to get the actual picture alone without background and other elements. I am not sure if that will work. Planning to add this soon. - Then, I am not sure if any of these harris corners, real time pose, bounding rects circles, Interactive Foreground Extraction using GrabCut Algorithm... will actually help me.
Please, let me know your thoughts and thank you.
can you have a look at the faq and try to improve your question ?
Thank you for your prompt response.