findContours not working properply [closed]
I am using findContours on a simple white circle i created on a paint application with a black back ground. The problem is that while the tutorials tell me that there should be only one contour surrounding that circle, when i output the contours, there are 2 different points.
Due to this reason, i am not able to use contour approx method.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in Advance!
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread("url.png")
canny = cv2.Canny(img,0,0)
imgs,cnts,hie = cv2.findContours(canny,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cnt = cnts[1]
epsilon = 0.1*cv2.arcLength(cnt,True)
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt,epsilon,True)
This is the original image(/upfiles/14483724218429244.png) This is the editied image for approximation(/upfiles/14483724673701482.png)
The black and white image/(/upfiles/14483740423517343.jpeg)
Please, post code and images
Please, don't post links. Instead, write down here your code (it should contain just a few lines) and also directly post your images.
@LorenaGdL There you go!
Your original image is not a white circle over a black background. You have a blue circle, surrounded by a red circle, over a white background. So yes, probably 2 contours. Anyway, I still don't know what's your real problem
Well, even if i create an image via paint. This problem still persists.
I've linked the black and white image also
The black&white image is a .jpeg image, and thus it has compression artifacts that make it non-binary. On the other hand, RETR_TREE might not be your best mode (maybe for your application RETR_EXTERNAL suits better). Also, you can always filter the found contours to get the biggest one, and approximate that one (use contourArea())
closed because duplicated here may because user wasn't able to upload images in this post ?!?