What are Stages in traincascade.exe?
We are using 125 positive test images and 250 negative images. How many stages we should put to train the classifier? What if we give 1 stage only?
We are using 125 positive test images and 250 negative images. How many stages we should put to train the classifier? What if we give 1 stage only?
To completely understand stages you should first read the Viola and Jones paper which discusses the principle of cascade classifiers which is a combination of weak classifiers to obtain a strong classifier. However compared to the official implementation, OpenCV has a slight addition, which are stages.
Now how to define how much stages you need? Start by adding for example 25 stages, and see how the returned acceptanceRatio
is small enough. I usually suggest until it goes below 10^-5. After that you are overfitting the actual model from my experience. I implemented an overload function that allows adding a acceptanceRatioBreakValue
. Take a look here.
Addition: if you want a complete wrapup of the traincascade parameters and useful settings, you can get the just released book OpenCV 3 Blueprints which has a complete chapter discussing the interface.
Matlab Cascade Classifier is a wrapper over OpenCV one. There is a good tutorial for Matlab classifier.
Total hit and false alarm rates calculated using hit (stageHR) and false alarm (stageFAR) rates for each stage:
totalHR = stageHR^NumStages;
totalFAR = stageFAR^NumStages.
Thus values of hit and false alarm rates for each stage depend on number of stages.
Number of stages influences the amount of training data: number of positive samples to use at each stage can be estimated using the following formula (see link):
number of positive samples = floor(totalPositiveSamples / (1 + (NumStages- 1) * (1 - stageHR)))
Following information is useful for choosing a number of stages:
-1 Sorry but please explain to me how posting a link of a wrapper, which is not officially supported would help to solve this problem ...
@StevenPuttemans in fact the link has a pretty good high-level and easy-to-understand description of Cascade Classifiers. Though I agree it should be pointed more clearly that it's just a link to get a grasp of the theory
@LorenaGdL I agree, but just copy pasting links without a deeper explanation is not what we want to aim for here :D So I rather have him updating the answer with specific guidelines from that cite and refer to it, rather then just posting a link. Also, it still contains HOG features, which are removed in OpenCV.
Yes. I agree. Link only answer is not a good answer. I made my answer a bit larger :)
Asked: 2015-11-24 07:05:32 -0600
Seen: 3,069 times
Last updated: Nov 25 '15