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Is there anywhere XML-files already trained to detection most popular objects?

asked Oct 14 '15

AlexB gravatar image

I found ready treained XML-files only for face and its details (haarcascades), and for human body (HOG):

Is there anywhere a (database) link to XML-files already trained to detection of different objects: cars, planes, people, animals, plants and other most popular objects?

I'm interested in the XML-files for both types: HOG and CascadeClassifier (haarcascades)

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1 answer

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answered Oct 16 '15

A large downside to an open source library with a BSD license is that once the techniques are integrated, companies can use it closed source and thus they do not need to make their models trained on their data publicly available. That being said, there is a set of models available in OpenCV, but it is rather limited.

If you are willing to set up an online model sharing interface together with another researcher, I have been wondering to do so for the last 2 years (since my PhD research focusses on object detection models). Get in touch with me!

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@StevenPuttemans The simplest way, I created repository on GitHub - most public place, and added you to Collaborators:

AlexB gravatar imageAlexB (Oct 16 '15)edit

Thank you for answer!

AlexB gravatar imageAlexB (Oct 16 '15)edit

Read my issue I created on your repository. I do not see the use of maintaining an exact copy of already available models. I would rather see new models integrated with OpenCV.

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans (Oct 20 '15)edit

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Asked: Oct 14 '15

Seen: 18,340 times

Last updated: Oct 16 '15