Trying to implement the face recognition in IOS and Android application
I am trying to implement the face recognition in IOS and Android application and i want to recognize the exact shape and position of someone's face, exact shape of their eyes, lips, nose. How many features can i get out of a face recognition algorithm as want to get as much features as possible to perfectly apply some effects on the face on lower level ? There are libraries available from openCV, but it only return the position of the face features such as eyes, nose, chin etc. I want to recognize the shape and outline of eyes, eyebrows, lips as well. Is this something that is achievable ?
this is neither "face recognition" (who is it ?) nor "face detection" (face or not?).
it seems, you want more like "facial landmarks", like e.g. here
Thanks Berak for your message. Could you please let me know if this code can help me to analyse the Face Shape (Round, Circular, Cylindrical, Oval etc), Eye Shape (Close Set Eye, Almond Eye, Hooded Eye )or Lip Shape (Thin, Thick, Sharp) etc.