Texture Matching using LBP/H? C++
I have a question about LBPs, but firstly let me explain what I am trying to do.
I am trying to match coins using LBPs. I have an input coin and I want to compare it with other coins and see if the coin is of the same denomination. Attached below are 3 images:
- the input image - the one to be compared toR1T
- needs to be compared to R1R2T
- needs to be compared to R1
I have found a very good source here: Local Binary Patterns
All my code needs to simply do is say that R1T
is a match and R2T
is not a match.
How can I implement something like this?
I think going with a texture matching technique would be an overkill. I think that it would be better if you were trying first to extract the arithmetic information from the images by using an OCR approach and then determine a match by comparing this information for each sample.
@theodore there are some coins without text or numbers. So I need to do texture matching.
@Leo_ ok I see. You did not mention that on your initial message so I thought that all your images would contain numeric information.