Get camera pos matrix from depth image
Hello, I have got depth image And I need to get Camera pos matrix, I suppose my 2D and 3D points are wrong
void getWorldAndImageCoordinates(cv::Mat& image, vector<cv::Point3d>& world_coords,
vector<cv::Point2d>& pixel_coords, cv::Mat& IntrinsicMatrix)
float FocalInvertedX = 1/<float>(0,0); // 1/fx
float FocalInvertedY = 1/<float>(1,1); // 1/fy
cv::Point3d newPoint3D;
cv::Point2d newPoint2D;
for (int i=0;i<image.rows;i++)
for (int j=0;j<image.cols;j++)
float depthValue =<float>(i,j);
// if depthValue is not NaN
if ((depthValue == depthValue) && (depthValue!=0) && (depthValue!=1))
// Find 3D position:
newPoint3D.z = depthValue;
newPoint3D.x = (j -<float>(0,2)) * newPoint3D.z * FocalInvertedX;
newPoint3D.y = (i -<float>(1,2)) * newPoint3D.z * FocalInvertedY;
newPoint2D.x = j -<float>(0,2);
newPoint2D.y = i -<float>(1,2);
cv::Mat depthImage = cv::imread(name, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH | CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR);
vector<cv::Point3d> world_coords;
vector<cv::Point2d> pixel_coords;
getWorldAndImageCoordinates(depthImage, world_coords, pixel_coords, IntrinsicMatrix);
cv::Mat distCoeffs = (cv::Mat_<double>(1,5) << 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
cv::Mat rotation_vector, translation_vector;
solvePnP(world_coords, pixel_coords, IntrinsicMatrix, distCoeffs, rotation_vector, translation_vector, false, 0 );
cv::Mat Rt;
cv::Rodrigues(rotation_vector, Rt);
cv::Mat R;
cv::transpose(Rt, R);
cv::Mat coords = -R * translation_vector;
If you want the camera pose matrix from solvePnP, I think that once you get the rotation matrix from Rodrigues, you just have to assemble the final pose matrix to add the translation part. The result of solvePnP is already the camera pose but as a rotation vector + a translation vector (here an example).