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Opencv_242d.dll missing

asked 2013-02-07 02:37:24 -0600

opencvuser gravatar image


I have installed OpenCV 2.4.2 and Visual C++ 2010 - (Windows 7, 64 bit). While executing a sample program, I have got an error as follows:

The program can't start because opencv_core242d.dll is missing from your computer. Try re installing the program to fix this problem.

That dll file was already present in the folder. But I tried re-intsalling and still I am getting the same error.

If possible, someone can please help me to solve this error.


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2 answers

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answered 2013-02-07 06:50:27 -0600

ubehagelig gravatar image

I believe the problem is your paths.

What is your "Include Directories"?

What did you type in in "Additional Dependencies"?

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it's the binaries(dlls), that can't be found, so you have to adjust your PATH environment variable.

  • if you built those locally, you have to add 2 items, the path to the debug and the release folder (separated by ; ). , that should be similar to :


  • if you're using the prebuilt libs, then only one:

    E:\code\opencv242\build\x86\vc9\bin // whatever os / vs version you're using

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2013-02-07 07:21:57 -0600 )edit

answered 2013-02-07 09:22:29 -0600

unxnut gravatar image

Make sure that the location of the DLL (the directory) appears in the environment variable PATH.

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Asked: 2013-02-07 02:37:24 -0600

Seen: 868 times

Last updated: Feb 07 '13