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Detecting small differences in objects

asked Sep 7 '15

Bloc123 gravatar image

Hello, I am fairly new to OpenCV library and was wondering what would be the best method find small differences in two images?

What I am working on is a software that detect small differences between two objects, although the compared object may not be fully completed yet, I have made two mock-ups of this and attached it below. Trying to get my program to detect that the object is the same, at the same time detecting that is is different.

I am planning on mainly using matchShapes, but am worried how well it would do with real world images. But I plan to divide my object into parts starting from the bottom, and matching it with the original image.

So what I am asking is if there is a method that I may have missed that you would recommend me looking. any help or ideas would be very greatly appreciated!

This would be the original image: image description

and this would be the compared image: image description

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answered Sep 9 '15

pklab gravatar image

Difference doesn't look so small ... anyway you could check image similarity with PSNR and SSIM (start from here), or Template Matching.

In case you have to solve object occlusion, object scale, position, rotation you could try Kalman Filter or model based approaches like cascade classifier or Support Vector Machine...

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Asked: Sep 7 '15

Seen: 397 times

Last updated: Sep 09 '15