Node iterator missing first value when importing xml [closed]
I'm currently saving a large map of histogram data to xml for use in a later part of my program. I've noticed that it is cutting off the first value when loading and instead adding an empty value at the end.
A basic example is:
Correct Model:
Incorrect Loaded Model:
The layout of my xml file below where i is a changing value:
<m_i type_id="opencv-matrix">
My import function is below:
int getClassHist(map<string, vector<Mat> >& savedClassHist){
int serial;
// Load in Class Histograms(Models)
FileStorage fs3("models.xml", FileStorage::READ);
fs3["Serial"] >> serial;
cout << "This is the serial: " << serial << endl;
FileNode fn = fs3["classes"];
if(fn.type() == FileNode::MAP){
// Create iterator to go through all the classes
for(FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin();it != fn.end();it++){
string clsNme = (string)(*it)["Name"];
// Create node of current Class
FileNode clss = (*it)["Models"];
// Iterate through each model inside class, saving to map
for(FileNodeIterator it1 = clss.begin();it1 != clss.end();it1++){
FileNode k = *it1;
Mat tmp;
k >> tmp;
ERR("Class file was not map.");
return serial;
It seems like an iterator problem so would be likely be in the it1 loop which is skipping the first value but i'm not sure why.??
Could you provide a sample .xml file?
Hi yeah here's one of them
It seems to work perfectly to me. Why do you know it is loading wrong values? I mean, how do you access savedClassHist later?
very good point, i had incorrectly written the printing function and it was starting from an incorrect position. Thank you for your help, my mistake
Pleasure ;)