Asked: 2015-08-30 23:02:22 -0600
Seen: 193 times
Last updated: Aug 30 '15
How to reduce false positives for face detection
Skin Color Detection Problem [opencv4android]
Fish detection. Is haartraining a good approach ?
Performance evaluation for detection
OpenCV DescriptorMatcher matches
Record/Store constant refreshing coordinates points into notepad
Conversion between IplImage and MxArray
How can I debug into function like "cvCreateTreeCascadeClassifier "?
Hi, image1-img2, then threshold and remove small object
@wuling: but you need to have camera position fixed to do that, or all the pixels in the image will result as shifted. I can see from the images above a different FoV in the second one, as if the camera has been moved/rotated to the right a little bit in the second shot..
hi,you right