add specific module to python api
Hello, it seems like not all the opencv modules are available in the Python bindings. I am specifically interested in tracking from opencv_contrib. Is there a simple way to add it to the API?
"Is there a simple way to add it to the API?" - please read this
then, take my warning :) - most "missing" cases are not just sloppiness, but there's a hidden obstacle in the way, and it has been tried before (and considered not feasable atm)
which one are you particulary interested in ?
thanks for the link : ) I want to try the TLD algorithm from opencv_contrib/modules/tracking - but any in that module might do the trick. It seems like detection is usually accessible, but tracking (like with particule filtering for example) is not interfaced in Python.
also you need to add "WRAP python" to CmakeLists.txt. see the face module.
you probably would start with the 'Tracker' interface, your 1st obstacle is the Rect2d class, which is not yet fully supported. (you'd need to add proper pyopencv_from() pyopencv_to() in modules/python/src2/cv2.cpp)
(having doubts, that it'll work, but good luck !)
how are you doing ? any progress ?