Videostab and realtime videostab
Hello! I need to process video from webcam and stabilize it. I can't find any example or tutorial for videostab. Is this possible? I mean use videostab for this?
Hello! I need to process video from webcam and stabilize it. I can't find any example or tutorial for videostab. Is this possible? I mean use videostab for this?
Please check $(OPENCV)/sources/samples/cpp/videostab.cpp
for a sample. I have to warn you that it is not a real-time example.
Thanks for answer! I saw this example before. It what i can found in Google. But not more. Unfortunately, i need real time processing. Is there not exists any tutorial of Videostab? I found only description of classes, but i not understand a way of using it!
If you want real time video stabilisation using OpenCV, then the release of OpenCV Blueprints will help you with that. Book is coming out in october and has a mobile video stab chapter using gyroscope!
Thank you for this Steven, I've been looking for gyroscopic stabilisation for awhile now!
Asked: 2015-08-12 13:55:34 -0600
Seen: 2,058 times
Last updated: Aug 12 '15
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