OpenCV 2.4.10 + Maxwell gpu cmake = <invalid device function> error
I installed a NVidia Geforce GT750Ti with Auto and PTX=5.0, ArchBin = 2.0 - 5.0. My CUDA version is 7. I tried out some functions. For some reason, my gpu::transpose and gpu::flip functions runs fine, but my gpu::cvtColor and gpu::resize gives an error.
while (1)
int _startWhileLoop = (int)getTickCount();;
cvtColor(leftFrame, leftFrame, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cout << "breakpoint 1" << endl;
cv::gpu::resize(imageLSrc, imageLDst, cv::Size(frameWidth, frameHeight)); // Breaks here
cout << "breakpoint 2" << endl;
gpu::transpose(imageLDst, imageLSrc);
gpu::flip(imageLSrc, imageLDst, 1);;
cv::imshow("und", leftFrame);
if (waitKey(30) == 27)
error: OpenCV error: Gpu API call <invalid device="" function=""> in unknown function: ....\src\cuda\, line 233
When I try gpu::cvtColor it gives similar error: OpenCV error: Gpu API call <invalid device="" function=""> in unknown function: ....\opencv2\gpu\device\detail\transform_detail.hpp, line 320
Spent alot of time remaking opencv with CUDA. If anyone has made it work with GT750ti, please let me know cmake settings